My first reactions on reading this story was that it was going to be about some church girl and how something that was impossible was going to happen to her. It was so unexpected when it said that her mother was a heroine addict and her church were very strict on the rules they had. If I was that girl, I would have run away a long time ago. I think her grandmother should have been a little lenient for her because she is just a child and she needs to have fun. Since the grandmother was not lenient she went off to go find her mother and ended up in a bad place that she couldn't get out of. Maybe the grandmother was teaching her a lesson, but that was a bad lesson for Tia. I didn't like the ending of the story. All of a sudden it just ended with Tia running away from Dezi. It gives you no clue if she made it back home or not. I really wish it would have told me if she did or not.
Y'all are the best!
15 years ago