I believe that life is like a basketball play. It is like a basketball play because sometimes things work out as planned and sometimes they don't work out as planned. Also you can't do things alone. Most of the time people need other people to help them in life just like a
basketball play needs five people to complete it. An example is that people have their parents or guardians to help raise them. At school, teachers teach them things that will help them for the future. Everything has a plan or play.

I completely agree with this statement. From the time when we are little, parents make a plan for how they will go about raising us. Things don't always go as planned, but there is almost always at least a general direction or goal in which you are headed towards. To accomplish these goals teamwork definitely helps.
I like the example you use. It's good how you relate team work, and how you can't always do it alone. I think you could have added a little more such as a specific "play" for a certain situation. I think that would have added a lot. But I really like the general idea.
I agree with this up to a point. I think John Lennon said it best "Life is what happens to you when your busy making other plans".
I like your analogy here. I agree, it really makes sense. Things don't always work out as planned, and you simply have to find a new way to go about it. And no one can make it alone; we all rely on someone at one point or another in our lives, whether we would like to admit it or not.
Hey Anna!
I agree a lot with your post. And the part where things may work out like planned and they may not, goes along with what I said in my post about what I believe. And having people to guide you when growing up and motivate throughout life, I agree is also important. Good post Anna! :)
I know exactly what you are saying especially because we played basketball together for so many years! This reminds me of the time Shauna's dad was trying to teach us a play that seemed to keep going and going. He was showing us all the different ways we could go if one of the parts of the play didn't work. I think this fits in with your blog because it's like if one thing doesn't go your way there is always another path you can take.
Never thought of life this way. However, taking out all of the complex thoughts of a human.
It really is exactly like you say.
Some of it's planned, some isn't. Someitmes it works out, sometimes it doesn't.
In the end, your still left with your teammates and the thought that you gave your all.
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