I thought that this movie was very good and I think that many people learned a lot about it. I agree that we are showing women off way to much. We do the same thing to men, but no as much. I believe that we need to show women in a different way and I think that now they are being shown in some ways that other women don't agree about. There are teenagers watching these women and they want to be like them, but in the mean time it is hurting them. Some girls want to be skinny, but then they become too skinny and that is bad for their body. The commercials show bad habits that others should not do because it will kill them.
I agree with your post. I think that women should also be shown in a different light, instead of the medianized (is that a word...) oversexed ways.
I think the media does take effect to some extent. I think the "ideal" image of beauty in media is sooo overexposed. When it gets into the daily lives of women and even men. I don't think all teenagers want to be like the women they see in the media...some may, but I don't think all.
I agree, I'm really glad we watched it. It kind of opened our eyes to how bad things really are, and it's sad.
What really sucks is that barely any of them realize this is going on. They think its just the way things are, and this attitude is probably emotionally damaging.
it is unfortunate that when the same ideas of women are projected on men, that it becomes comical; no one takes it seriously. i would like to find out how much younger kids were targeted when we were litte. because it seems so much worse to us now, but could it have been really similar?
I totally agree bomb! That movie was horrible to listen to, just because everything was SO true! It opened my eyes to how bad media really is.
Anna I totally agree! she pointed out some really serious points and where you talk about the influences on younger girls i totally agree!! i've seen like 5th graders in American Eagle and Hollister and I am appalled that they need to be at the same place as high school and college age kids! It's ridiculous how fast kids are growing up because of advertisements!!!
It was a good movie but what it comes down to is money and thats all the corportations care about and bottom line is sex sells
I agree Anna and I think that it gave some of the boys in our class a look at how much pressure is put on us. I just wish we were able to get more of a look at boy's pressure from the media, eventhough it might not be as strong it is still there. Nice post!
I agree totally, its sad how women are seen these days as a symbol of sexual interest instead of intellect
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