I thought that the beginning was boring, but as I kept reading it got better. I feel so bad for Birdie and Cole because they don't understand what is happening. I think that their mother and father should try to explain to them what is happenning and what they are trying to do about it. I wish that they wouldn't have separated Cole and Birdie because they are all that each other have. For the part I read, I think it will get better and more exciting as I read on.
Hey Anna! I agree that at the beginning it went slow and all I could think was that the parents were super sketch, which I still do, but now it's picking up and I like it compared to some of the other things we've read in class.
Good blog!
I like your comment about Birdie and Cole needing each other. It is totally true because they come from the same perspective. Both are mixed, and both accept the other for who they are--not who they pretend to be. For Birdie at least, it seems like she is hiding her real identity from everyone but Cole. Without Cole, Birdie has no one to be real to: not even her mother. When Birdie and her mother are together, it seems to be all about the mother and her problems, not giving Birdie a chance to be comforted about her life and problems. Great blog Anna.
Anna! I thought the beginning was good, but not great because it seemed to start out slow like it didin't get to the action that fast, which was disappointing. But it's better than the other books we read.
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